What's happened to chemistry group pictures?
Back in my Stone-Age grad school days, everyone hated taking the annual group picture. I had to harp, cajole, twist arms, and generally push my entire group out the door yearly just so we could record ourselves for posterity.
Perhaps it was the poor resolution of the 35-mm film, or certain scientists' natural aversion to daily showering and grooming? I'll never know.
Well, good-by old, disposable cameras, and hello Photoshop:
(Inspired by Twilight movie poster) |
This gem, from the
McIntosh group at U. Arkansas, obviously took some time and effort!
Or how about the latest from the
M.C. White group at Illinois?
I did not know that the Terminator and Chuck Norris worked in synthetic chemistry! |
OK, if production-quality pictures aren't your thing, how about something more...subtle?
Like an all-plaid group shot, perhaps?
Maybe you're reading this thinking "What a giant waste of time!" Well, maybe it's not advancing the science, but I'm sure it's really fun to be a part of, and helps morale during a long lab campaign.
Readers, I'm only really familiar with synthetic groups...anyone else take wacky group pictures?
Let me know in the Comments!
Update, 7/25/13 - Lots of people writing in! Here's some more excellent pics...
The "1908" picture, Johnson Lab, Yale, 2008 (thanks, Jenny!) |
Update 7/26/13:
More to come...Stay tuned!