Fond Farewells

Today marked endings* (of sorts) for two prominent members of the chem-blogging community.

First up, Carmen Drahl - intrepid Chemical and Engineering News reporter - announced she was stepping down:

Just a few hours later, Paul Docherty of Totally Synthetic, arguably the blog that gave rise to post-peer-review in synthetic chemistry, called it quits to focus on a burgeoning informatics career.

I'd like to wish both Carmen and Paul a teary, heartfelt good-bye. After all, they both got me into blogging; see my Haystack and TotSyn guest posts. Moreover, they built the bridge from the Tenderbutton / In the Pipeline / The Chem Blog era into the rich and diverse bloggy landscape we enjoy today (see just a fraction of them, in my blogroll, at right).

Best wishes to both Carmen and Paul as they ride into the Internet sunset.

It's a road, off in the distance. Like a metaphor, or something.

*But not for me. Sorry, chemblogosphere, you're stuck with the pup for yet another year.

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