WWWTP? "Always Sunny" Edition

Charlie, Mac, Dee, and Dennis, the self-involved social group of FXX's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, would never advocate cautious, logical behavior as the best way to approach a situation. The dark humor that inevitably follows their ill-advised actions propels the show.

With nine seasons on the books, nothing's really changed. In the recent episode "Flowers for Charlie" - likely an homage to the late Daniel Keyes* - two scientists approach slightly-below-average Charlie with a pill ("a cerebral enhancement formula") to increase his IQ. Look at the chemical structures on those chalkboards!** Would you take medicine from these men?

Texas carbons, Wyoming nitrogens, and...a propeller?
Source: Fox Entertainment

Perhaps these "scientists" should win a Nobel for the first-ever aromatic spirocycle.
Source: Fox Entertainment

Spoiler Alert! After faking his way through French, philosophy, Beethoven, Tolstoy, chemistry, chess, Mandarin Chinese (not to mention a terribly put-on English accent), it turns out Charlie remains slightly-below-average, as reinforced by several chuckle-worthy graphs.

Colored fluids in condensers...sigh.
Source: Fox Entertainment
*If you've never read "Flowers for Algernon," don't walk - RUN - to your local library and grab a copy.
**They're like prehistoric whiteboards.

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