Being "Part of Things"

During my intern years, there was one guy - KC - who really had it figured out.

He treated everyone professionally, asked after sick wives or kids off to college, and always helped people out of a jam. He spoke softly, but radiated a warm confidence that instilled trust.

He was also the Departmental Director.

I remember walking in really early one summer morning, catching him at his hood. At the time, he had about 20 people working on his program; he didn't have to run reactions or take spectra anymore. 

Full of naïveté, I asked him "Hey, what are you doing in here? You pay people for this!"

He smiled, and said "I just love being in lab. It's the only way I feel like I'm really part of things."

It's been many years, but I still remember how his face lit up as he said that. 
Someday, I want to be more like KC.

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